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Welcome to The Elite Web Page

E.L.I.T.E.S. stands for:

Excellence / Loyalty / Integrity / Teamwork / Enthusiasm / Sacrifice

The Federal battle group called "The Elites" of Starship Troopers was started in March of 1999 by a young man with a large vision named Josh. Through this young man's efforts, "The Elites" of SST have become one of the most formidable and feared battle groups in all of the SST universe.

"The Elites" are lead by their fearless leader Fleet Admiral Zornstar - AKA The Zen Master of Death. Zornstar is the epitome of a fearless federal fighter. Through Zornstar's perseverance, this feared battle group is one of the most respected in the SST community. "The Elites" are the best dog fighters in the SST arena andthe Fighting Elites are the pinnacle of SST battle groups in all of the SST galaxy.

Hop in your Falcon and fly around the Elite web pages and enjoy the different areas we have to offer. Have any comments? Please let us know! Have fun and we'll see YOU in that galactic sand box we call Starship Troopers.

Let Us Build Your Web Site - Contact: LRuff98163@aol.com.
Material Copyright © 2000 The Elites of SST