Elite Administration
Admiral Zornstar (aka Hammerdamage) can answer all your questions when it
comes to being a top notch pilot no matter what side of the fence you choose to
fly on ! If you wish to Join "The Elites", you
need to communicate directly with the Fleet Admiral. You can find Fleet Admiral
Zornstar in the game during the evening almost anytime or leave him a post on
"The Elite Message Board" - Link to
the Elite message board provided below.
PestControl can answer your questions concerning favorite SST tactics,
what bugs to look out for, web pages and ordering your Elite merchandise or
related products. The Admiral can be found in the game most
Twinkletoes (Doctor Toes) can
answer all your questions concerning your addictions to Starship Troopers, that
unfriendly pilot and frustrations concerning your SST community. The Admiral
can be found in the game usually in the evenings and on
this image for the AOL Elite message board